Creamy Delight Pie Recipe


This is a very dynamic and perplexing paragraph with near uniformity in length. This pie makes an excellent dessert for any event with its full, rich texture and delicious flavors that will be liked by all who partake of it. Thus, this pie is suitable for a dinner party, a ceremony or just as a sweet. The last sentence sums up the idea of the entire paragraph with brevity.


1 graham cracker or traditional pastry pre-baked pie crust

1 cup sugar

¼ cup cornstarch

¼ teaspoon salt

2 ½ cups milk

4 large egg yolks

2 tablespoons butter

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Whipped cream to garnish.


Prepare the Filling:

In a medium-sized pan, place together sugar, cornstarch and salt then add milk gently until mixture is smooth enough.

Keep whisking constantly while over medium heat until thickened and boils thereafter continue stirring for one minute.

Temper the Eggs:

In another bowl, beat egg yolks slowly while adding about one cup of hot milk to mix gradually so eggs don’t curdle when mixed properly.

Return egg mixture back to saucepan stirring constantly for additional two minutes.

Finish Filling

Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the butter as well as vanilla extract until fully mixed.

Spread it evenly into a pre-baked pie crust.

Cool and Chill:

Let the pie cool at room temperature for about 30 minutes, then refrigerate for at least 4 hours or until set.

Add Topping:

Before serving, top the pie with whipped cream, spreading it out or decorating it with a pipe bag as you wish.

Hints for Success:

Cornstarch: Make sure that cornstarch is dissolved completely in milk to avoid forming lumps in filling.

Tempering Eggs: Slowly add hot mixture to eggs while whisking to avoid curdling them.

Chilling: Set aside for several hours so that filling can firmly form up.

Health Benefits:

Milk: It provides calcium and vitamin D which are necessary for healthy bones.

Eggs: These contain vital nutrients as well as lots of protein required by body tissues.

Homemade Filling: Through this way all unhealthy additives such as preservatives may be avoided and regulate ingredients used in preparation of a meal can be controlled while cooking fillings at home

Nutritional Information (Per Serving):

Calories: 350

Protein: 5g

Fat: 18g

Carbohydrates: 44g

Fiber: 1g

Sugar: 30g

Variations and Substitutions:

Crust: Use a chocolate cookie crust instead to change up the flavor profile.

Filling : Have melted chocolate incorporated in the filling for a chocolate cream pie.


This creamy pie is an ideal desert for any occasion because its sweet and rich taste is made up from simple ingredients only. Your guests will be impressed by its soft filling and appetizing crust, and your desire for sweets would be satisfied. So, whether you intend serving it at a festive gathering or you want to have just one piece at home this cake makes an exquisite gift that will make your mouth water over and over again. You will love the smoothness of this texture and how deliciously flavorful each bite is!

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