Long post, but hilarious, informative, and true!

Long post, but hilarious, informative, and true!
Y’all, I have been peeling, (picking, tearing, cussing, destroying) boiled eggs so wrong my entire life. I know, there are a million tips and gadgets on Google search, in cookbooks, and I have tried them all, so many methods, from baking soda in the water, vinegar in the water, salt in the water, but I have never peeled a perfect batch of boiled eggs until today where every single egg was flawless.
I have finally figured it out!
And if you know me, you know that I always say any problem can be solved if you apply proper physics.
I’m no Harvard Physicist, but I know that physics is basically just good common sense, cause and effect, action and reaction.
Well, lo and behold, it took me to today years old to apply the physics.
I feel pretty dumb that it took me this long and a million ugly pecked and torn boiled eggs stop, apply the physics, and figure it out. lol
So simple. Heat expands.
That’s it.
The heat inside the boiled egg will expand and build pressure, and will practically pop that shell off when you break the membrane seal, IF under the right conditions.
I had my conditions wrong all these years! Why? Because that’s I had always seen it done.
Here is what I did…
I brought the water to a boil. (Enough to completely cover the eggs)
I did not add anything to the water.
I used silicone tongs to place the eggs gently into the boiling water.
I boiled the eggs exactly 15 minutes.
I removed the eggs with the silicone tongs and placed them on a plate with paper towels on it to catch any water.
I let the eggs sit for exactly 15 minutes.
When I cracked the first egg, I was amazed that it seemed to actually “pop” open.
Okay, my theory had worked!
I had always put the boiled eggs under water… tried hot water, warm water, cold water, with the same results, nothing helped the peel to release.
But by placing the eggs on the plate, allowing the heat to EXPAND, it built up pressure, and when the membrane seal was broken, it fully released.
I just easily pulled the shell away, no effort or peeling or sticking whatsoever to the egg.
And the Fluffiest most perfect Yolks EVER!!! (These were BROWN Eggs.)
YaY! I figured it out! lol
Yup! I am super proud of myself today for this tiny feat, just an elementary science project that won’t create world peace, it sure made my day! lol
*I am aware that some folks peel them perfectly every time so they say, using a favorite method or an egg cooker.
And they will jump on here to tell us all about it.
That’s great, good on you, you Rock! but none of it EVER worked for me sister!

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